Our adoption journey began before we even realized it. In the summer of 2002, we were told that we would not be able to have children. After several years, a friend approached us about the possibility of adoption. We set out on our journey by meeting the many requirements necessary for adoption–home study, physicals, “brag book” and a picture album to show the birth family. We will never forget the phone call we received on a Monday in July, 2010. "Are you still interested in adoption?" Of course, we said YES! Within a week, we met with the birth mother, birth grandmother and attorney. By the end of our visit, they had chosen us. The next three months were filled with doctor’s appointments, baby showers and nursery decorations. Finally, we received the phone call that announced his arrival, and we rushed straight to the hospital. Maverick, our precious son, was in the nursery. He was perfect! After his release from the hospital, the attorney officially presented him to us, and we took him home. Four months later, almost to the day of his birth, on February 11, 2011, the judge finalized the adoption process, and his name was officially Maverick McCreary. We still celebrate that day as “Maverick Day.” At our baby shower, we sang “In His Time” as tears rolled down our faces. We knew that God had this plan for us and it’s always in His time. We cannot imagine life without our sweet Maverick!
-Jason and Ashley McCreary
This will be Jason’s 12th summer as a counselor at Florida College Camp. He says his favorite part of the week is being surrounded by such uplifting staff that motivate him to be better. We appreciate Jason, Ashley, Maverick and their example. Thankful they are a part of our camp family.
