"Florida College Camp is a place where good kids are getting better by following the principles of Christ in all that we say and do.”
-John Kilgore, Florida College Dry Creek Camp director
Florida College Camp is not a place where kids come to “get fixed." Our goal is to provide a supportive, Christian environment where your child can grow. Campers learn a lot about themselves and make friendships that last a lifetime.
Another purpose of the camp is to promote Florida College. Florida College is a private 4-year institution that promotes and practices Christian values. For information on Florida College, please visit www.floridacollege.edu.

Phil Robertson
Florida Camp Director
"Camp is often called the ‘best week of the year' by campers. This is due to the community, comradely and Christ-likeness of all those who are involved. We are blessed with an incredibly talented staff that is focused on invigorating all campers socially, mentally and spiritually. Throw in 300 plus wonderful campers, and it truly is the best week of the year."